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GMEC FINAL 2022 International Round Results

GMEC Global Mathematics Elite Competition 2022'
International Round Results
Math Elites from all over the world in the GMEC Global Mathematics Competition 2022'
"A Chat with Math Professor" event reflects the academic exchange of top international mathematics elites
Questions impressed the Professors and triggers deep thinking in Mathematics
The GMEC Global Mathematics Elite Competition is an international mathematics competition organized in Hong Kong. The GMEC Final has been held successfully last summer in different places of the world. Representatives from China, Hong Kong, Macau, Taiwan, Thailand, Indonesia, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, the United Kingdom and the United States participated in the event and competed for the honor.
The Hong Kong finalists who won the top prize in the competition were invited to attend the first round “A Chat with Math Professor”, held at the Hong Kong Olympic House and the second round online “A Chat with Math Professor” was organized for the overseas winners. During the event, Dr Ben Kane from the University of Hong Kong and Professor Sharma from Dubai answered the math related questions from the top prize winners.
Winners from different regions displayed different learning cultures and thinking directions in the activities. In the first round of the "Talk with the Professor", impressive questions were asked to Dr. Ben Kane, including "how mathematics can be applied to the development of Tesla cars”, by Avery Yan, grade one Overall Champion from Hong Kong Alliance Primary School. Another question from Cho Kwan Nok, grade 10 Overall Champion from Shun Tak Fraternal Association Yung Yau College, asked about "how to see the application of mathematics to the development of AI". Questions related to mathematics and practical business applications have aroused everyone's deep thinking.
The second round of "A Chat with Math Professor" event for overseas winners featured Dr Sharma from Dubai Education Bureau as the honorary guest. Questions “why the center of a circle is always 360 degrees”, “When we will put the value of integration constant c in integration”, “why 1÷0 cannot be defined in mathematics or can only be infinite”, are the three questions that most impressed Professor Sharma among the questions asked by the global champions around the world. Mathematical concepts that everyone is accustomed to, induce thinking and demonstrate the enthusiasm of mathematicians from all over the world for mathematics learning.
The GMEC Global Mathematics Elite Competition hopes to use the platform of the competition to allow mathematics elites from all over the world to show their strengths. It also encourages mathematics elites to think further, exchange and learn through the activity of "A Chat with Math Professor", so as to cultivate talents in the mathematics field in the future.
Thank you and see you next year!

GMEC 全球數學精英賽各地精英出爐
提問令教授印象深刻   引發數學深思
GMEC 全球數學精英賽為一香港舉辦的國際數學賽事,剛於本年暑假完成總決賽。本年度賽事有來自中國、香港、澳門、台灣、泰國、印尼、澳洲、紐西蘭、南非、英國、美國代表參與賽事,爭奪殊榮。
於賽事中奪得頂級大獎的參賽者分別獲邀出席第一輪假香港奧運大樓的頒獎典禮及第二輪海外得獎者於線上舉行的「與教授一席話」活動。活動中有分別來自香港大學的 Dr Ben Kane 及杜拜 Professor Sharma 解答得獎者的數學問題。
不同地區得獎者於活動中均展示不同的學習文化及思考方向。現場第一輪「與教授一席話」令人印象深刻的提問分別有來自香港小學一年級全球冠軍、宣道小學的甄奕鈞,向 Dr Ben Kane 提問有關「數學如何應用於 Tesla 汽車的發展」;另有來自香港中學五年級全球冠軍、順德聯誼會翁祐中學曹君諾,提問有關「如何看數學應用於 AI 的發展」。數學與實際商業應用的相關問題,引發眾人深思。
第二輪海外得獎者的「與教授一席話」活動, 有來自杜拜教育局的 Dr Sharma 擔任嘉賓。當中有‘Why angle at the centre of a circle is 360 degree’ (為什麼圓形的中心永遠都是360度)、‘When we will put the value of integration constant c in integration ()、’Why 1 over 0 is not defined in Maths or infinity’ (為什麼1÷0不能在數學算出答案或只能是無限),以上提問都是在各地全球冠軍得獎者提問之中令 Professor Sharma 最深刻印象的三個問題,反思大家都習以為常的數學概念,誘發思考、展示各地數學尖子對數學學習的熱忱。
GMEC 全球數學精英賽大會希望透過賽事平台讓各地數學精英一展所長,亦透過「與教授一席話」活動鼓勵各地數學精英進一步思考、交流學習,培育未來數學界的人才。

GMEC Final Grade Results


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