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維也納國際青年音樂家音樂大賽 2020' 澳門賽區比賽結果

Thank you for participating the International Young Musicians Music Competition, Wien 2020' and congratulations to all the winners!
The Award Ceremony will be held on Jul 12, 2020 at Macau Design Centre. We welcome you and one of your parents to attend the Award Ceremony. Kindly please fill in this google form: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScQMeaubv2hzblRsvpIEusG1cqFQxOE-6Fx7PZgA7bHE0bDyw/viewform for your attendance information as well as requesting the August Final details. 
Since recently Austria does not allow foreigners to enter Vienna, the August Final will be held in Hong Kong with the below details:
Date: Aug 20, 2020
Venue: Y Studio, Youth Square
Live music competition and online masterclasses with adjudicators of Prayner Konservatorium. 
Masterclasses: Piano, Violin, Harp, Voice
Winner Recital at Ehrbar Music Hall, Prayner Konservatorium in December, 2020. (if foreigners entry restriction is released in Austria).
感謝您參與 2020年維也納國際青年音樂家音樂大賽! 
恭喜各位得獎者, 頒獎禮將會於 7月12日星期日假澳門設計中心,歡迎各位得獎者攜同一位親友出席,敬請填寫此表格: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScQMeaubv2hzblRsvpIEusG1cqFQxOE-6Fx7PZgA7bHE0bDyw/viewform 回覆會否出席或是將另行領取以及是否欲查詢總決賽資訊。謝謝! 
地點:青年廣場 Y Studio
Prayner Konservatorium 評審團現場視像評分
12月將於維也納普萊納音樂學院 Ehrbar Music Hall 舉行優勝者音樂會 (如屆時奧地利允許外籍人仕入境)

Tel/whatsapp: (+853) 66649825
Email: mmae.association@gmail.com

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