GMEC 全球數學精英賽

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GMEC 全球數學精英賽 2022 港澳賽區 賽事花絮

GMEC 全球數學精英賽 2022' (港澳賽區初賽) 賽事花絮
Global Mathematics Elite Competition (Hong Kong & Macau Region Preliminary)
GMEC (Global Mathematics Elite Competition) - Macau Preliminary was held successfully on the 13th of March. The other competition regions' preliminaries will be held from March to June. We wish all the competitors good luck!
GMEC 全球數學精英賽 - 澳門賽區初賽已於3月13日星期日圓滿結束。 祝澳門參賽者奪得佳績! 其他賽區初賽將於三月至六月期間舉行, 預祝各地初賽順利、圓滿!

(Hong Kong Region Preliminary)

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